Weekly E-News

Weekly E-News

Church Family Update

July 25

"I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. He will send from heaven and save me; he will put to shame him who tramples on me. Selah God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness!"

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭57‬:‭2‬-‭3‬

Hello Hope Bible Church,

What an incredible summer so far! We continue to see the Lord changing lives for His glory, people passionately worshipping Him in spirit and truth; and serving for the glory of our King. Thank you Jesus for building Your church! Here's a snapshot as to what is coming up. Please be in prayer for each of these areas; and seek the Lord in prayer for how He would have you jump in! Let's go!


Please pray for the preparation of your own heart as we gather for worship this weekend; and ask the Lord to move powerfully in the heart of each person worshipping with us. Also, be in prayer for whom you can invite to hear the good news of the gospel.

  • Time: Our service will be at 5:00-6:30pm on Saturday.

Live Stream: Please click on the Live Stream link to access this.

Sermon Only: You will be able to access it later in the week under the “Latest Sermon” link on our website.

  • Worship Set: Is posted on Spotify here.

Sermon: Psalm 57 "A Cry For Mercy When Trapped in a Cave"



Please do not have any food or drink other than water in the sanctuary before, during or after the service. Thank you for your cooperation in this.

Hope Prays

A house of prayer is a house that sees their need for prayer and comes alongside each other in prayer. As Elders, it is a privilege and joy for us to pray for you. In lieu of our Connection Cards, please be sure to submit your prayer requests and praise reports via the “Hope Prays” link on our website; which can be found here.

Parking at Home Depot - July 27

We have been given an opportunity to serve Calvary church during our upcoming service on Saturday July 27. There is another event happening on the other side of the church (Where we do baptisms) beginning at 6pm. This has necessitated a need for more parking spaces. As such, in the spirit of Philippians 2 in humbly considering the interests of others, to unite in love and humility, on July 27, we ask that all volunteers please park at Home Depot that is across the street. Please park in the part of the parking lot labelled, “Contractor Car Pooling” at the back of the parking lot. For those of you with young children you can drop off your children at church for pre-service and park across the street at Home Depot.

Here is a link to a map and a picture of where to park.

Those who are not on a service team that night will be able to park in the main lot as usual. Our parking team will be able to serve as usual that night; and will direct people to the proper entrance depending on if they are attending Hope or the other event.

Thank you all for your grace, understanding, stewardship of the facility; and care for our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Serving at Hope

It is a privilege to worship the Lord through service in the church. The ministries at Hope are growing and we need volunteers to faithfully step in to meet the needs! We have needs in our Welcome, Hope Kids, Production and Set-Up/Tear Down ministries. Visit our website here to fill out an application and get plugged in today. Please email llau@hopeottawa.ca with any questions you may have. We look forward to serving with you!

Hope Gives 

Thank you for your continued giving to the work of the Lord as an act of worship. Our fiscal year runs from September 1 and will continue until August 31, 2024. If you call Hope Ottawa your home church and are not already giving regularly, we encourage you to start giving cheerfully and sacrificially as the Lord leads. If you are already giving, we thank you for this. You can continue giving your tithes and offerings through our online giving platform here. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Financial Update

Offering Year To Date (as of July 21):

Budget: $239,268.68

Total Offering: $216,115.35

Hope Cares

It is our joy and privilege to continue to care for you in this season. We would love to know how we could be caring for you prayerfully and practically as needed. Please feel free to contact our office at 613-627-8359 or email info@hopeottawa.ca with any pastoral care needs that you may have. We would love to hear from you and will set up a time online to meet with you for any prayer, encouragement, assistance or counselling you may need.

You are loved very much,

Hope Ottawa