
Marriage is a special and sacred gift of God. As a church, we want to help you plan a wedding celebrating your love and bringing glory to God, and establish your marriage on God’s firm foundation.

We’re excited to serve our members and attendees during the process of wedding planning and marriage. We look forward to walking with you in the coming days!

“Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and the church.” Ephesians 5:31-32

Preparing for Marriage

The Premarital Counselling Program includes individual one-on-one meeting times with a married mentoring couple. Practical issues will be discussed from a biblical perspective. There will also be meetings with your mentoring couple after your marriage. You will also be invited to join a class for newlyweds during your first year of marriage.

The cost of the premarital counselling program is $125 per couple which includes the cost of the materials and the resources that will be provided to you.

The premarital counselling program is a prerequisite for all weddings to be held at Hope Oakville or by a Hope Oakville Pastor.

To get the process started, you must have attended Step 1 and Step 2, and complete the Weddings and Premarital Application Form. Both the bride and groom are required to complete this form separately.

Once both of your forms are received you can expect the following:

  • a call or email from our Events & Special Projects Lead to discuss the process for planning your wedding.
  • a call or email from the Director of Classes for Soul Care to schedule an initial meeting. Upon approval from the interviewing pastor, couples will be placed with a mentor couple. Engaged couples will meet 6-8 times with their mentor couple, including 1-2 session after the wedding.

Preparing for Your Wedding

Requests for weddings must be received at least six months before requested wedding date and not more than a year in advance.

Deposits and Fees
The fee to use the church facility is $750, which includes: use of the facility, Pastor to officiate, rehearsal time, sound system, and a staff person to assist with the flow of your wedding (for additional custodial/production fees see below). All fees are due 1 month prior to the wedding date. Any additional fees applicable will be outlined in the ‘Available Rooms’ section.

The fees for an offsite wedding are $350, which includes: Pastor to officiate, rehearsal time, and administration costs. Please note depending on the location of the wedding an additional fee may be required due to the distance traveled by the Pastor officiating.

Additional fees for foyer/worship centre weddings

  • Custodial $150
  • Chair Set Up/Take Down $200 (foyer only)
  • White Drapes $50 (optional)
  • Production $150

Holidays and Weddings
Weddings and rehearsals may not be scheduled on the week leading up to Easter, Easter weekend, the week leading up to Christmas, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Boxing Day and week following Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day. Weddings requested on Victoria Day, Labour Day, or Thanksgiving weekend are subject to pastor availability.

Available Rooms and Times
We’ve designed our facilities to provide a worshipful atmosphere for your wedding ceremony. Details for each available space can be found here. 

wedding ceremony in church foyer

Facility Guidelines
Please review the Weddings: Church Guidelines.

For onsite weddings only, please complete the HOPE Facility Use Application & Policy 

wedding ceremony in church foyer ground view