Recovery Ministry

"No matter the object--drugs, alcohol, food, gambling, or sex, just to name a few - addictions lure us. They extend the promise of pleasure, but in the end deliver emptiness, destruction, and death. What begins as an escape from the hassles of life becomes a form of bondage.

But no matter how many times you have tried and failed, there really is a way through the addictive fog. The path away from addiction has been laid by a God who is full of surprises, who faithfully pursues those enslaved even though they have deliberately avoided him. God's Word offers hope, and that hope is the basis of Crossroads: A Step-by-Step Guide Away from Addiction" -Crossroads Study

Recovery meetings take place in person on Tuesday nights at 7PM. We are currently meeting together in the Youth Lounge upstairs.

Upon entering the main doors of the church take the stairs at the far right of the foyer, at the top turn left to continue walking towards the Youth Lounge. During large group teaching, men and women participate together. Afterward, participants break up into small gender-specific groups for accountability, encouragement, and prayer.

No registration necessary, join us anytime.

For more information or any questions please contact George at or 905-827-4888 ext 202.

Check out these stories of people changed by hope!

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." 2 Corinthians 5:17