Hope Meals
The mission of Hope Meals is to lighten the burden of meal planning and preparation for those individuals or families in our church experiencing a crisis or an especially difficult set of circumstances. We provide meals prepared by a dedicated team of volunteers as an opportunity to share the love of Jesus Christ for His glory. (1 Peter 4:8-10)
To serve families in need of a meal we:
- Prepare meals at home to either deliver to families or drop off at the church
- Pray for those receiving the meals
- Include a card or note of encouragement
- You will be notified of needs as they arise
If you are someone in our church family experiencing difficult circumstances and would be blessed by the provision of a few meals we would love to help you.
Or, if you are a part of our church family and would like help in extending Christ’s love to a friend or neighbour experiencing a crisis by providing meals to them, we can partner with you, too!
Do you know a family who fits into either of the above categories?
We are looking for people to serve in Hope Meals. If you are interested in serving in the Hope Meals ministry please fill out the form below.
For questions or more information contact HopeMeals@HopeOakville.ca.