COVID-19 Screening Tool
According to the most recent Provincial guidelines, registrations are no longer required as capacity limits have been lifted.
However, before coming to our weekly service or prayer night, please be sure everyone attending from your household can answer “NO” to each of the following questions. If not, please stay home and enjoy the service online:
a) Do you have any of the following:
- Fever or chills (temperature of 37.8C/100F or higher);
- Cough or barking cough (croup);
- For adults 18yr or older: Unusual tiredness, fatigues, lethargy, malaise &/or myalgia not related to a known condition;
- Decrease or loss of taste or smell;
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
- Shortness of breath (not related to other known causes such as asthma);
- For children < 18yr: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea not related to a known cause or condition
b) In the last 14 days, have you travelled outside of Canada AND been advised to quarantine (as per the Federal quarantine requirements)?
c) Has a doctor, health care provider or public health unit told you that you should currently be isolating (staying at home)?
d) In the last 10 days, have you been identified as a close contact of someone who currently has COVID-19? (If public health has advised you that you do not need to self-isolate, e.g. you are fully immunized or have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days and since been cleared, answer “No”
e) In the last 10 days, have you received a COVID Alert exposure notification on your cell phone? If you have since tested negative or have been cleared, answer “No”
f) In the last 10 days, have you tested positive on a rapid antigen test or a home-based self-testing kit? If you have since tested negative on PCR test, answer “No”
g) Is anyone you live with currently experiencing any new COVID-19 symptoms and/or waiting for test results after experiencing symptoms? If the individual w/symptoms has been vaccinated in the last 48 hours and is experiencing mild fatigue, muscle aches, and/or joint pain that only began after vaccination, answer “No”. If you are fully immunized or have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days and since been cleared, answer “No”
Healthcare workers wearing appropriate PPE are not considered to have been exposed.
If you have any symptoms, please refrain from gathering physically.
All areas & surfaces will be cleaned & sanitized before and after the service.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the facility.
Hope Ottawa will be continuing online services & ministry.
Sorry, there will be no Hope Kids during our services at this time.
Please bring your own Bible, notebook, and pen.
Regulations mandate that face masks/face coverings are worn for all indoor services.
Greeters and ushers will interact without contact to welcome & help you find your spot.
Before entering the building, all volunteers and attendees will need to have done a self-assessment from the online self-assessment tool.
If you answer “YES” to any of the questions, please stay home and enjoy the service online.
Staff will ensure the worship center and washrooms are sanitized before and after our services.
Hand sanitizer stations will be available at all main entrances and exits and throughout the lobby and worship center.
Attendees are requested to sanitize as they enter the main lobby.
We understand that everyone has different comfort levels and household considerations that influence your ability to safely regather; therefore, we will continue to be an online church with online services streamed for the foreseeable future.
You can tune in on Saturday at 5:00 PM on our Website to watch the service.
There is no Hope Kids during our Saturday worship service but children are welcome to attend the service and stay with their parents.
Parents are encouraged to bring an activity to their children to do during the service if they desire.
Click here for a printable Hope Kids Sermon Note.
We continue to have our Virtual Hope Kids available to help strengthen you in your discipleship at Home.
We’re sorry, but there will be no distributing of any materials, this includes sermon handouts, connection cards, pens or offering bags and envelopes.
We encourage you to bring these with you.
Regulations mandate that face masks/face coverings are worn for all indoor services. Singing is allowed for all those who are wearing a mask. For those guests who are not able to wear face masks, singing is prohibited. Young children do not need to wear a mask. Any other child should wear a mask as well as all adults who are not exempt from wearing one (Ie-medical note or conditions, etc).
We encourage you to bring your own mask but if you forget we will also have masks available before entering the building.
They will be positioned outside, in the lobby and in the worship center to welcome you into the service and help direct the flow of traffic and ensure social distancing. They will interact with no contact.
Disclaimer: As we find ourselves in a global pandemic, you need to be informed of the risks and take whatever precautions you believe are necessary. While extra measures are in place to ensure that high-contact areas in the church building are sanitized in between services, attending a worship service at Hope Bible Church Ottawa is done so at your own risk. It is possible that additional local government guidance will be made available to us prior to Saturday that may affect how we gather. Please check your email before leaving for the church in the event that we need to inform you of new information.