Church Update // April 1, 2020

Dear Hope Family,

In times like this, we remember how good it is to gather together in person and worship the Lord regularly. While not the same as face to face, we’re grateful for the technology that allows us to gather online as the body of Christ and worship Him!

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24–25

We hope you joined us last Wednesday for our first online prayer meeting and were blessed like we were. It was simple and beautiful as followers of Christ in their homes, scattered around our community and beyond, were praying out to the Lord in unity. Awesome!

Join us again tonight at 7pm and call out to the Lord together in worship and prayer.


Next week is Holy Week, and we will have three evenings together (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) to hear from the Lord and pray together that He will move powerfully among us this Easter.

Each of these gatherings will be held online, similar to Prayer Meeting. Why not ask God to save more souls this year than ever before? He has the power to save our family, friends, and neighbours no matter what the circumstance… Lord, please move in power and save!

Soon we will be sending Easter “e-vitations” to send or share for loved ones to join us for Easter online.


We’re so thankful for the generosity and displays of faith by the people of Hope Bible Church. Since we’ve no longer been meeting in person, our giving has decreased overall, yet each week we’re seeing a steady increase in online giving. In these uncertain times, it’s truly a blessing to see God’s people walk by faith.

The staff of Hope have been working diligently to financially adjust and reforecast the budget and respond to the changing conditions around us. As a matter of stewardship, it’s only right to acknowledge the times we’re in and prudently adjust, reduce, and redirect expenses.  Please pray for us as we seek the Lord’s wisdom in ensuring faith-filled, Jesus-exalting ministry continues and for the discernment to know how to adjust accordingly.


It is such an encouragement to witness the body of Christ ministering to the body of Christ and those in our community! Seeing the prayers and care for one another in this season is a blessing to our staff and pastors.

There have been many phone calls, emails, and check-ins with more requests coming in daily for practical and spiritual care. How can the pastoral team and intercessory prayer team be praying for you? Please let us know here.

Do you have practical needs in this season or are you looking for ways to fill needs of your community? Let us know here.

Stay up to date with what we’re doing as a church and be encouraged by checking regularly into our updates page here.

You are loved!